Friday, March 9, 2012

What all the cool kids are doing

It can be hard to keep up with the times but it can be even harder to remember what just happened in our lives. I felt the need to document what the current favorite activities are around our house so we don't forget these cherished times.

Eliza is a little obsessed with watching the news. Specifically Brian Williams. When the 5 o'clock hour rolls around she runs into her room and brings out her little red desk and chair. Pen and paper in hand and she is ready to start reading the news. She even gets giddy when her buddy Brian comes on. Apparently she got a little frazzled last night when he came on unexpectedly for a political announcement.
See first hand what I'm talking about.  Can you tell the hurricane was in this news cast as you watch her arms flail around. Listen closely as she takes it back to "Brian" at the end.

Another favorite past time has been beauty parlor. Anyone is subject to a hair cut around here.

What has Mr. Anderson been up to? Well, what hasn't this kid been into. Or onto. Or taking out. Good grief he wears me out each and every day.

Good luck trying to figure out what he was trying to do here

Whenever I do laundry I have to go through Eliza's dirty clothes bag because...

 he feels that ALL of her shoes and puzzle pieces belong in there too.

 He loves to get into our room and climb on Lucas's night stand so he can turn on his clock radio and rock out. The next obvious step is to climb from there to our bed and roll around. Favorite drawer in the house? The only one in our bathroom that doesn't have a baby proofed latch. He grabs our toothpaste and runs into our closet to sit up in a chair and squeals with delight. My nightstand also has the remote for the TV, fan and chapstick. All will be his in a matter of minutes. Repeat this entire process several times. If you kick him out of our room and he doesn't like it then he puts his hands up on the wall and bangs his head into it. Payback for Eliza being such an easy toddler? Heck yes.

He does have his extremely sweet moments too. Anderson's vocabulary has taken a huge jump in the last month. Walk into a room and he will point out all the important things you need to know:
"Ca-Ca" = garbage
"Cock" = clock
"Hawt"=hot fireplace, picture of fire, oven
"Buwd"= the birds in Eliza's classroom

When I went to pick up Eliza at school this week, he got down on to his belly on the floor and peeked underneath the bathroom stall in the classroom like a dirty old man. He looked back at me, pointed repeatedly and loudly said "Potty, potty, potty!" All the kids circled around him and laughed. I was ready to leave him there for the rest of the day.
He also likes to play a mean game of Peek-a-boo. Ask him "Where is Anderson?" and he slaps himself in the face with his yummy chubby hands only to quickly reveal the treasure you are looking for. He cracks up every time you act surprised to see him.

What else have we been up to?A first haircut for Anderson. A new fish tank. Kindergarten Orientation. Having 1/4 of the fish die.
 A little fun in the snow and a lot of going across the street to our park.

 Slow down kiddos. You are growing up way too fast. xoxo

1 comment:

The Gerichs Family said...

I LOVE your blog!!! How fun to read about what you're kids are up to- especially Eliza and her watching-the-news obsession. Does she want to be an anchor woman someday? ;)

I also thoroughly enjoyed your post about a day in the life of have such a positive and energizing outlook on life and the cards you have been dealt. I admire your strength.