Friday, December 17, 2010

Ski Bunny

The waiting and pep talks are a memory now...we have officially introduced Eliza to snow skiing! With a child who is slow to warm to new activities we weren't sure how she would react to the first attempt at this sport. The weather was in our favor as the sun was shinning like it was a beautiful day of spring skiing. Lucas had been introducing Eliza to her boots and skis at home. Goggles and helmets were purchased. Lucas brought a chair for her to sit on while we put her boots and skis on. We made promises of having cousin Molly on the ski hill. I had treats and Kleenex in my pockets if necessary. It all paid off because she LOVED it!!!

Of course there was a bit of whinning on the first run...
Then she begged to do it again and again and pointed to the big chair lift. "I want to go on that!"

We all ended with smiles and one exhausted 3 year old!


Lindley Family said...

Why does Anderson look more wiped out than Eliza!?! :)

Lindley Family said...

Why does Anderson look more wiped out than Eliza!?! :)