Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pros and Cons of Pregnancy

32 Weeks

Whoa!!! We are in the home stretch of my final pregnancy experience! I am starting to put the breaks on a bit and really try to enjoy and absorb as much of it as I can. We have been busy bees trying to make a dent in the to do list and I finally feel more comfortable in all that has been accomplished.

A major task was painting the baby's room and putting up the wall decal. All without killing each other. Lucas huffed and puffed his way through painting with me (not his favorite thing to do) and I found enough patience to put up the wall decal. At least this baby will know that we tried to make a welcoming room for them:)

Eliza helping Lucas put together the changing table- this photo is to remind us to never buy furniture you have to put together ie. why Lucas won't look up at the camera or smile.

Another way of making this pregnancy more memorable is to make a pros and cons list. I think we will start with the cons so we end on a positive note.

Cons of being pregnant
*People staring at you-I kind of have a glimpse into the life of a large chested woman as people rarely make eye contact with me at first sight. Their eyes widen and go straight to the belly.

*Lame comments such as "Oh! You still have a long way to go!" This is after you tell them your due date. My new philosophy is to tell them "Any day now!"

*The first trimester. I shall refer to it as a "dark period" in my life.

*The physical issues. My aching back, hips, heartburn, peeing when I cough or sneeze, stuffy nose, bloody gums and uncomfortable sleeping and sitting positions.

* Not being able to have a nice glass of wine, beer or yummy martini. When you are having a stressful moment it is so nice to unwind with a relaxing beverage.

Pros of being pregnant

*People stare at you-strangers stare and smile sweetly at the sight of a beautiful pregnant belly. They may even offer to help or let you step in front of them in a line.

*Feeling the baby move. You always have a quiet buddy who loves to nudge and kick around inside. This is the number one thing I wish you could capture to remember the sensation.

*This is the one time in my life that I can take time off work or anything else life throws at you. I love seeing how open my calendar is for June and July. Nothing is more important than having a baby.

*The physical issues. Your hair doesn't fall out as much, my skin problems go away, MS? What MS?, paying more attention to your body and getting massages.

*Not being able to have a nice glass of wine, beer or yummy martini. Potty training Eliza hasn't been easy so I would probably be drunk under the table most nights if I wasn't pregnant.

*The anticipation of waiting for a new little person to arrive. This is like Christmas for adults! I love having a "project" for Lucas and I to focus on, plan for and bond over as a couple. It is even sweeter the second time around because we know how much fun having a child is.


Brian and Dawn said...

I love the pros and cons...totally agree with all of them! Miss you!

Shem the Wrench said...

Wonderful post. I am just dying to meet this little person!! I am finally catching up on your blog and it makes me happy.

And I agree... try, try, try to savor those little kicks and jabs, and rub your belly as much as you can. Its amazing how these sensations are completely forgotten - almost instantly (although the occasional gas bubble still wakes me with "the baby is kicking" thoughts!)

Martinis in less than a month!!! xo