Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I'm Yours

I was busy cleaning the house this evening while Eliza and Lucas were snuggling in our bed watching the Olympics. I was listening to our Satellite radio on the TV when I hear a small thud from the bedroom and quick little footsteps running by me. I look over at the TV and realized that Eliza's favorite song by Jason Mraz, "I'm Yours" is playing. She is busting out some of her great moves (dancing + Stroller Strides workouts) and you can hear her little voice singing along with such a big heart. As soon as the song was done the quick little footsteps were heading back to the bedroom to continue snuggling with Dad. Sometimes we may need to stop and enjoy the music I guess.

New favorite toy alert! My friend Ashley also was kind enough to give Eliza a little red guitar.

Those of us who lived through the 80's know this picture reminds us of "Risky Business" with Tom Cruise. Classic white underwear and some good music.

1 comment:

Brian and Dawn said...

I love her dancing!! She has some better watch out!!