Friday, February 12, 2010

Baby watch-20 weeks!

It's a....

BABY! No, we did not find out what "flavor" we are having at our 20 week ultrasound today:)
We are staying strong with not finding out! Our 20 week appointment was actually yesterday but the office messed up and didn't schedule our ultrasound at the same time. I am sure if we were finding out the gender I would have started crying. We were offered the option of doing the ultrasound the next day but at Intermountain Medical Imaging. This also happens to be where I have gotten my MRI's. It was such a joy to be going there for this event instead of the other. Eliza came with us and did really well through the hour long peek at the baby. I am sure it is so weird to look at a black and white screen with basic anatomical features and have everyone telling you "Oh, look at your baby sister or brother!" The poor kid doesn't even know what a bone is.

Arm and head

We watched the baby try oh so hard to get their hand to their wide open mouth. So cute.

Of course since baby is growing mom is growing so here are the most recent pictures of me:

18 weeks

20 weeks

Half way through and I am so big already! Oh well. I am really enjoying the pregnancy now and am trying to appreciate every moment. Life is going to fly by so fast and I want to slow it down just a bit. Lucas and I have been working at finding the right names but it has been tough. I won't make fun of people who go to the hospital without a name picked out anymore. All serious suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

My dear friend April is due in the next 3 weeks with her first baby and I just returned from her baby shower in Detroit last weekend. We have known each other since elementary school and it is so fun to both be pregnant at the same time. I love her dearly and hope the best for the arrival of her sweet little girl.

My brother and his wife just did a final round of IVF this week so we are keeping our hopes up and fingers crossed that they are as fortunate as we all are.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

So exciting! Do you have any possibilities for names?